She Strives With Faith - Candid Conversations with Lady B. Celeste

You Are A Leader

Berthena Jackson Season 2 Episode 1

Leadership is about understanding who you are and how others see you. Leaders must remain true to their character, and strive to uphold the values that guide their life.

A leader must have a good sense of the overall layout of their own life and have the ability to use that layout to guide their decisions as they journey through every life situation. This involves understanding where they are, where they are going, and which paths will get them there.

"We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps. (Proverbs 16:19)


Ladies, your natural instinct is to worry. You worry about your children, your health, your relationship and everything else under the sun. It's a classic case of worrywart syndrome. If you tend to worry needlessly, you are not alone. Welcome to the she strives with faith podcast with Berthena Jackson. Berthena is a two time divorcee, a single mother and war veteran who suffered from anxiety but learned to let go and let God. Berthena will share captivating a down to earth conversations on how to strive by faith. Here's your host, Berthena Jackson.


Hello, beautiful sisters around the world. Welcome back to the She Strives With Faith podcast. So let me ask you a question. Are you a leader? How do you define leadership? What does that mean for you? Do you think that being a leader is only when you own your own company, or you're the manager or supervisor, in an organization, or nonprofit? We're gonna get into this chat today, we're going to talk about being a leader. Because guess what, you are the leader of your own life, setting goals and taking action to reach them, that's your responsibility. Also, making your own decisions and not following the crowd. That's part of being a leader. It's also about being proactive and taking responsibility for your own success. The Bible says we can make our plans but the Lord determines our steps. This means that while we have the power to make our own choices, the Lord is still in control. And He is the one that will lead us in the right direction. Our job is to trust in His plan, and be willing to take risks and trust in His timing. We also need to be humble and recognize that our plans may not always work out the way we expect. How many times we have we planned something, and it didn't go the way we thought it should. We must be willing to pivot and adjust our plans according to God's will. Ultimately, no matter how much we plan and prepare, we must remember that God's will always prevails. He ultimately determines our steps. And no matter how much control we have over our lives, God still knows what's right for us. A leaders middle name is commitment or it should be commitment. This is the ability to see the future. That's the hallmark of a leader. A female leader pursues what she desires with a laser like focus on the finish line. Female leaders don't let drama and obstacles deter them. In everything they do, their character is their guide. Female leaders, they know who they are. They know what they stand for. They possess honesty, integrity, tenacity, flexibility, faith. And as the boss of your own life, you need to run it like it's the business. Okay. And this means having the courage to make the tough decisions and to stay focused on the bigger picture. It also means having the ability to adapt to different situations, and not be afraid to change direction when needed. It also means having the moral compass to make the right choices even when it may not be the easy or popular option. Let's keep going. Let's keep going. And leadership is about understanding who you are and how others see you. As the leader, you must remain true to your character and strive to uphold the values that guide your life. Uphold the values that God says in His Word. In other words, as a leader, you must be willing to work hard, adapt to changing environments, and remain honest and trustworthy at all times. See, this commitment to strong character will ensure your success as a leader. As a godly leader, because that's what I'm striving to be, I'm striving to be a godly leader. And I hope that you are too because as a godly leader, you're not easily swayed by external influences. You don't care what's going on in the world, you're being led by God. You want to, you want to represent the godly leaders that are found in God's Word, like Deborah Solomon, David, Jacob, Abraham, Sarah, Esther, okay. They were confident and their decisions, and they took responsibility for their actions. Their values remained strong, but they were flexible and adaptable, and they listened to God. And in spite of setbacks, or challenges, they kept going. So as a leader, you must be committed to strong character and ethical practices, never wavering in your moral compass. Your resilience in the face of adversity and your determination to find solutions to difficult situations will be what sets you apart from the rest. Now, what I'm about to say isn't from the Book "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", I'm just sharing my thoughts. Did you know that you don't have to be a CEO or a pastor or a president to be a leader. We can all choose to be leaders in our lives by interacting with the regular people around us. Whether it be your co workers, people at church, the person behind the counter at the grocery store, family, friends, and even people you consider your enemies. Yes, even your enemies. Because leadership is an attitude that we can all choose to cultivate. Regardless of our status or standing in the world, we can make a difference in our own lives and the lives of those around us. And how do we do this, we choose to lead with kindness, respect and understanding. And when we do that, we can create a ripple effect of positivity that extends outwards from our lives. It starts with transforming our own thoughts and behavior in small ways. For example, smiling more often, being more patient and showing more empathy. As we practice these habits, they become ingrained in our daily routines. And we can begin to recognize and inspire the same attitudes and others. I believe that when we lead with kindness, understanding and respect, we can create a culture of positivity and collaboration that benefits us all. We can all make a difference in our own lives. And it's important to remember that we can't control what happens to others. We, my sister can only control our own actions and reactions. Now, we hope our example inspires others to do the same. But we can't make people follow us. Let me give you an example. When I tried to use my womanly influence to stop my ex husband from cheating, it didn't work. See, even though our influence is powerful, people cannot be controlled by us. They're in control of their own actions. Just like we're in control of our own actions. So let's talk about destiny. Destiny is a predetermined course of events. You can think of it as a predetermined future, whether it's for the whole world or just you. A female leader knows she controls her destiny. She knows that her success will depend on her own choices, hardwork and faith, rather than luck or fate. Now, on the other hand, some people believe that destiny is something that is out of our control. They believe that our lives are predetermined by factors beyond our control, and that no matter what we do, we will ultimately end up where we are meant to be. What do you think about that? Some believe that destiny is predetermined and out of our control. Others believe that we have the power to shape our own destiny through our choices and actions. So what is your opinion on this matter? Here's what I think. God gives us the breath of life and controls our destiny. This truth should be liberating, it should be encouraging. And we should find it highly motivating to give Him the honor he's due because of who He is. God is trustworthy, He's faithful, loving, all wise, all-powerful, all-knowing, He is holy and sovereign. He is God above all gods, and He has no equal. I believe that God holds the key to our destiny, but we need to use it. We need to use the key. And with this in mind, it's important to realize that we have the power to unlock our destiny and find fulfillment in life by trusting in God and submitting to His will. This my sister is the key to a life abundant with joy and purpose. So let's keep going. Women leaders are amazing. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a female. I truly believe that. I believe that women leaders are successful because they take initiative and they own their reactions. They don't mind standing up for themselves and making decisions that are in their best interest, even if it means going against the grain. So what am I saying? I'm saying women leaders know how to get stuff done. Unlike men who just want to talk about it. female leaders also take chances and learn from failure. So in general, women leaders think more about the long term consequences of their decisions. But they also understand that taking risks is often necessary for success, and they're willing to do it to get what they want. Like a chess game, women leaders are more focused on the next five moves, than just making the move that will bring them immediate benefits. To advance their cause to get where they need to get. They are willing to take a risk and learn from failure. My sister, friend, no matter how you define leadership, know that you are the leader of your own life. You're capable of deeply influencing those around you, whether you know it or not. And with that knowledge, my sister, you can confidently take on any challenge that comes your way, knowing that you have the strength, courage and wisdom to make an impact. And not only that, you have the power to make a difference in the world by inspiring others to reach their goals and strive for greatness. Know without a doubt that you have the capability and special ability to lead, motivate and guide those around you. With that comes the power to create lasting and meaningful impact. So girl step into your power and use it to pursue your ambitions and leave a lasting legacy. My final words on this topic, be bold, brave, and pray. Okay, ladies, it's time for the prayer of salvation. Romans chapter 10:9 says that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Beloved, this is your opportunity to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If you're ready, I want you to say this prayer with me. Dear Lord, I am a sinner. I repent of my sins and need your forgiveness. I believe you died in my place and rose from the grave to make me new. I believe you prepared me to live in your presence forever. Jesus, I want you to come into my life and take complete control. I ask you to forgive me of my sins and save me. I place my trust in you alone for my salvation and accept your free gift of eternal life. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Beloved sister, even though you recited this prayer, prayer alone cannot save you. Embrace his death as a sufficient sacrifice for your sins. Completely rely on Him alone as your Savior. And remember, don't believe the devil lies that you are not born again. My sincere thanks to all of you who have listened to the She Strives With Faith podcast. I hope you tune in again for another episode. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your friends and family. Wishing you love and blessings. Until next time, keep striving with faith. We will chat soon. Bye for now.


Thank you for listening to the She Strives With Faith podcast. To hear more about how you can tap into the power of striving with faith. Join her next week. If you found value in the episode, give her a rating or tell a friend about the show. Follow Berthena on Facebook and Instagram for a more personal chat. Until next time, strive to keep faith alive.